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Category Archives: Schule
The Special Theory of Relativity
Ryan Chester, 18-years old, explains in an 7:33 minutes video Einstein’s relativity theory. Enjoy it.
What If Teachers Took Computation Out of Math Class?
By MindShift
Conrad Wolfram argues it’s time to rethink why schools require math classes in their current form and what purpose they serve …
Den freien Fall mit Bezier Kurven simulieren
Motiviert durch Animationen in Pixar-Filmen wird in diesem Khan Kurs (in Englisch) die Simulation des freien Falls als praktische Anwendung der Mathematik für die Realisierung moderner Zeichentrickfilme aufgezeigt.
Brave ist voller Parabeln
Ein sehr schöner Khan Kurs (in Englisch) zu einer Anwendung von Parabeln.
10 Free Resources for Flipping Your Classroom
By Amanda Ronan
Alternative modes of delivering classroom instruction are all the rage. We’ve got face to face models, labs, rotations, online-only, self-blend & flipped.
Ten Websites for Science Teachers
Blogger Eric Brunsell takes us on a tour of his favorite online resources for science teachers. …
Lerntechniken – Richtig lernen: Auf die Technik kommt es an
Von Julia Büttner
In der Schule reichte es manchmal noch, das Mathebuch in der Nacht vor der Klassenarbeit unters Kopfkissen zu schieben und ganz fest zu hoffen, dass die Formeln…
11 Habits of an Effective Teacher
By Carrie Lam, Academic Director, Teacher & Workshop Leader, Canada
“I really appreciate teachers who are truly passionate about teaching. The teacher who wants to be an inspiration to others. The teacher who is happy with his/her job at all times. The teacher that every other child in the school would love to have. The teacher that kids remember for the rest of their lives. Are you that teacher? Read on and learn 11 effective habits of an effective teacher.”
OECD and Pisa tests are damaging education worldwide
In this letter to Dr Andreas Schleicher, director of the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment, academics from around the world express deep concern about the impact of Pisa tests and call for a halt to the next round of testing.